
Putin issues dire warning to…

June 6, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning to countries assisting Ukraine, signaling severe consequences for those who continue to support Kyiv in its ongoing conflict with Moscow. In a public address on Friday, Putin cautioned, “Anyone who tries…

Putin appoints Patrushev and Dyumin…

May 14, 2024

MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Nikolai Patrushev as an aide along with long-term ally Alexei Dyumin while raising his economic adviser, Maxim Oreshkin, for the job of deputy chief of staff, the Kremlin said on Tuesday.Putin left Anton Vaino…

Russia says it is working…

April 2, 2024

MOSCOW: Russia said on Tuesday it had important matters to discuss with Afghanistan‘s Taliban leaders and was working to remove the Taliban from its list of banned terrorist organisations. “This is a country that is next to us, and one…