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The Next Startup Event – Cofounder Meet – Event Highlights

The Next Startup Event – Cofounder Meet – Event Highlights


BUILD A STRONG STARTUP FOUNDING TEAM, With immediate communication, we’ve made it simpler than ever to create one using the appropriate strategy. The largest startup community on the Internet is The Next Startup Event – Cofounder meet. Join the event on every second starturday of Month to find your Co-Founder and accelerate your Startup today.

BUILD A STRONG STARTUP FOUNDING TEAM, With immediate communication, we’ve made it simpler than ever to create one using the appropriate strategy. The largest startup community on the Internet is The Next Startup Event – Cofounder meet. Join the event on every second starturday of Month to find your Co-Founder and accelerate your Startup today.

Cofounding a company is a long-term commitment. It is a partnership similar to a marriage in that it involves of complementing equals who each contribute something unique to the table and are willing to dedicate a major fraction of their lives to developing something they both genuinely love and want to see exist and flourish in the world. But how do you locate, meet, get to know, and ask your ideal cofounder to marry you? We created a thorough tutorial that covers all you need to know about meeting cofounders.


  • What you should look for in a cofounder: what complementary skills you should be searching for in potential partners.
  • Where you can meet a cofounder: everything from entrepreneur matchmaking apps to networking events.
  • How to know you’ve found the right cofounder: the questions you should ask and the activities you should do together to make sure you’ve both found a good fit.
  • How to start to build your cofounder relationship: what to discuss in your first meeting as cofounders.

Find the Right Co-Founder for Your Startup


You can alleviate yourself of a great deal of responsibility and improve your chances of success by choosing the correct co-founder and staff. However, this only happens if you choose the suitable co-founder.

You can quickly identify the ideal co-founder for your firm by using the websites and forums indicated above.

Anyone wanting to capitalize on the current situation as an opportunity to concentrate and build is welcome to attend this event.

The most exciting and effective way to locate the ideal partner(s) for your upcoming endeavour, all without leaving your place, is right here.

It will be intense, so be prepared!


Meeting 12 doers on a Thursday is only the beginning of your Be My Cofounder experience.
You will also get access to a private platform with all the information other attendees share with you.
This way you can keep in touch with the people you met and liked, as well as reach out to the ones you haven’t met yet.

But don’t take our word for it, here’s how past attendees sum up their BMC experience:

Good way to discover ideas and communicate with fascinating individuals while having fun during this time of solitude.

exceeded my expectations and served as a genuine source of encouragement for me to carry on with my entrepreneurial endeavours.

“In this troubled time, what could be more suitable than an event that forges bonds? Beautiful encounters, both enriching and constructive.”


Over the past editions of successful event launch, here’s where attendees were in their entrepreneurial journey:

14% — “I came to get inspired by other startups”
15% — “I want to start my startup idea but I don’t know what it’ll be yet”
22% — “I have an idea but I haven’t made the jump yet”
19% — “I’m working full-time on my startup but don’t have clients/users base yet”
30% — “I already have a company and clients/users want to scale big”

Thinking you are “too early” or “too late” is the leading cause of inaction. You’ll see from Be My Cofounder that the time is indeed now.

You’ve finally found your ideal cofounder, and you’re ready to start working. But first, let’s formalise the equity setup and put that relationship in writing. This step normally follows organization; however, because founders frequently have never-ending to-do lists, it is frequently postponed when it should be given high importance.

How The Next Startup event solve the problem in establishing the board


Startup is all about doing the thing, instead right thing. Without the right set of people by their side they will not able to figure out what wrong or right. We have curated the perfect senior management people who perform the tidies responsibly like developing the right product, unbeatable marketing strategy, and plan that wont let you dried out of the funds. That sounds like the dream come true to the young start-up founders. You can leverage the privilege to attend the future event where you support your start-up journey and get onboarded.  

What will be happening at the upcoming Next Startup Event?

At the Next Startup event, startups get a wonderful opportunity to network and share knowledge. There will also be a lot of keynote speakers, discussions, and workshops on various startup-related topics.

Lazy Tip:  The structure of every company is different, but there are a few recommended practises to remember:

???? Avoid 50/50 splits. Although they appear fair at first, they may later lead to corporate inaction on important decisions. Naturally, the minority cofounder carries more risk and may be fired by the majority party, but the initial commitments and risk frequently point to one cofounder assuming a larger share. Some people (including the general director of YCombinator) disagree with this advice, yet European startups do tend to tilt more fairly.


???? Vest founder shares. It basically implies establishing a time frame or event during which founders are permitted to retain all of their stock shares or a specific percentage of them. The standard vest is four years, which helps prevent someone from taking a sizable share or ending the business if they depart early, putting the other founders in an unpleasant position.


???? Create a buyout strategy in the event that a cofounder decides to leave the business. This involves establishing in advance the possibility of the company repurchasing the shares in the event that a founder departs before they have vested. The share price for the repurchase may be calculated using a fair market value or it may occasionally be pre-set at a minimal charge (i.e. $0.0001 per share).

Get the answers you need to your problems related to product launches. 

A chance to network with like-minded individuals from different startups

Discuss concepts with businesses at various stages.

Create crazy connections with the founder and investor

Meet potential clients for their company (Collaboration, Partnership, etc.)

Take time to unwind and enjoy your weekend.

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