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The Next Startup Event – No business shit – Event Highlights

The Next Startup Event has try to offer the opportunity to learn from some of the most successful and innovative minds in the industry. There are event and platforms where startups can be stay tuned on the best business practices, laws and regulations. Learning from the finest gives you a clear roadmap that might prevent you from making massive mistakes.

The Next Startup Event – No business shit – Event Highlights

There are many start-ups event held in Delhi NCR that offer nothing but the sheer waste of time, but the inception of Next Start-up event was to focus and give the right value to the start-ups & founder so that we can bridge in the gap between the resources required to build a successful start-up which is the importance of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region.

Next Startup Event is a great opportunity to communicate, network and stay on top of new startup trends. On due course of Event, you can connect the greatest founders, innovators, investors looking for exceptional opportunities, and experienced professionals who just want to stay in form.

How the idea of Next Startup Event started.

We have seen there are many startup founder are clueless about the execution of the idea, they really has a fantastic Idea and want to do really big and take it to the new heights, but without the right plan of execution, perfect board member, it all wasted. We bring multiple start-up under one roof to have chit chat and leverage the scope of expertise to share among them start-up founder. Entrepreneurs can introduce innovative ideas and products through startups in today’s dynamic business environment. Lack of funding and access to networks that help further their ideas is a problem for new enterprises. By bringing new startups to potential investors, events bridge this void.


Learn and get inspiration

The Next Startup Event has try to offer the opportunity to learn from some of the most successful and innovative minds in the industry, as well as network with likeminded individuals. There are event and platforms where startups can be stay tuned on the best business practices, laws and regulations. Learning from the finest gives you a clear roadmap that might prevent you from making massive mistakes that would delay the development of your creative idea. Additionally, you learn the path that successful companies have taken when they were growing.

We found that most of the business idea don’t have the right board and team to execute the idea. Although the terms CEO, CFO, and CTO may appear ambiguous and dispassionate, they all relate to people who hold executive positions inside an organisation. The greatest outcomes are accomplished through specialisation because each person within a corporation has distinct roles and domains of influence. The Idea of The Start-up Board pops in and that justifies all as the true need for the start-ups.

The Start-up Board

Ultimately, Startup success lies in teamwork. Furthermore, it refers to people’s ability for collaborating to achieve a common objective and for directing their own successes toward organisational goals.

In that case, the Senior positions are essential to establishing priorities & guiding teams for the growth plan and customer success.

And with the tremendous technological change we are going through right now, this is even more essential.

Businesses that go through digital transformations experience benefits across all industries and departments.

Many new and fast-growing private Startup Founder want help seeing what’s around the corner. The directors of public companies and the consultants they hire offer advice to the CEOs of those companies. CEOs of private companies can also hire knowledgeable or reputable advisors.

  • Startup Boards most often include inside directors, who work day-to-day at the company, and outside directors, who can make impartial judgments.
  • The top of most management teams has at least a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and a Chief Operations Officer (COO).



The board of directors is made up of two groups of representatives who are chosen by the shareholders. The first form involves selecting internal directors from within the business. This could be the CEO, CFO, a manager, or any other individual who performs everyday duties for the business.

Board members can be categorised into three categories:

Chair: The board chair, who is technically in charge of the company, is in charge of efficiently running the board. They are often responsible for establishing the company’s business strategy, keeping open lines of communication with the CEO and other senior executives, presenting management and the board to the public and shareholders, and upholding corporate ethics. The board of directors chooses the chair.

Inside directors: These directors are in charge of approving essential corporate initiatives and projects as well as high-level budgets created by senior management. They are also in charge of implementing and overseeing business strategy. Inside directors are either stockholders or senior executives from the same organisation.

Outside directors: Outside directors differ from inside directors in that they are not formally a member of the management team, despite sharing the same duties in deciding on strategic direction and business policy. Having outside directors serves to offer objective viewpoints on matters presented before the board.


How The Next Startup Event solve the problem in establishing the board for Startup

Startup is all about doing the thing, instead right thing. Without the right set of people by their side they will not able to figure out what wrong or right. We have curated the perfect senior management people who perform the tidies responsibly like developing the right product, unbeatable marketing strategy, and plan that wont let you dried out of the funds. That sounds like the dream come true to the young start-up founders. You can leverage the privilege to attend the future event where you support your start-up journey and get onboarded.  

Key takeaways from No Business Shit – Next Startup Event

  • In that sense, the top positions are essential to establishing priorities and guiding teams for the growth plan and customer success.
  • And with the rapid technology advancement we are going through right now, this is even more essential.
  • As Startup industry undergo digital transformations post Covid, they see positive impacts across all domain and vertical of company.


What will be happening at the upcoming Next Startup Event?

Startups have a fantastic opportunity to network and learn from one another at the Next Startup At the Next Startup event, startups get a wonderful opportunity to network and share knowledge. There will also be a lot of keynote speakers, discussions, and workshops on various startup-related issues.

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